

发布时间: 2024-05-10 14:23:20北京青年报社官方账号



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"China's contribution to world economic growth has exceeded 30 percent over the past five years," Chen said. "Without China, there would have been no recovery of the world economy and there would have been no recovery in the US after the global economy was hit by the financial crisis of the century that started in the US in 2008."


"China will work to optimize the mechanism to attract investment in the services sector and promote the creation of a global alliance for trade in services … the Ministry of Commerce will release the negative list for cross-border trade in services by the end of this year to support further opening-up in the sector," said Xian Guoyi, head of the department of trade in services and commercial services under the Ministry of Commerce.


"Combatting the epidemic requires tackling its darker sides. Firm actions by States and all of us to safeguard the human rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized, including minorities, indigenous communities and migrants, are urgent and necessary," the Special Rapporteur concluded.


"China stands against unilateralism and trade investment protectionism," Ma Zhaoxu said at UN headquarters in New York on Monday. "We believe trade disputes and frictions should be resolved in a reasonable manner.


"Commercial banks' general asset management business contracted last year, largely due to the newly released asset management regulations. But China's private banking sector grew unexpectedly, leading wealthy Chinese to invest in the country's key sectors to optimize social resources and accelerate the transformation of China's banking industry," said Bai Ruiming, deputy secretary-general of the association.


